In these uncertain, unprecedented times, going out of your home to the mall or a post office can seem like a much bigger deal (or ordeal) than it used to be. Maybe you’d rather not bother with really leaving your home until things blow over and begin to get back to normal. But in the meantime, your sister’s birthday is coming up. Your cousin’s wedding anniversary.

And Christmas will be here before we know it! Travelling might be out of the question for you, but that doesn’t mean that your generosity has to be checked. Instead, you can send packages. But then returns the problem we mentioned before, of not wanting to go to the post office.

How can your need for safety and your desire to send packages both be met? Well, why not mail packages right from your home? Sounds impossible or at least improbable? It’s not! There are several different ways that you can have a package mailed for you, without ever having to leave the house.

Here are six tips on how to ship a package from home:

1. Have someone close to you pick the package up

We totally get it if you don’t want to go with this option because you don’t want to potentially endanger someone else by having them do errands for you. However, everyone’s circumstances are different! If you’re staying home because you’re at higher risk for catching illnesses, but others in your family or friends group would be more than happy to pick up and mail a package for you, you could definitely take them up on their offer! But it’s up to you.

2. Go with a private shipping company

Another way on how to ship a package from home is to pay a private shipping company to pick up your package. If you’d rather have shipping professionals handle your package, then a private company might be the way to go. After you’ve properly packaged your item and paid for the postage (see below for more tips on all of that), you can contact the shipping company and have them pick up your package to be mailed and delivered. You’ll most likely have to pay a fee for this service. As long as you’re willing to do so, a shipping company is a great mail-from-home option.

You can search around for a private shipping company that can handle all of your package mailing needs. A quick Google search should be able to tell you what shipping companies are in your area (or, at least, do pick-ups in your area).

3. Make sure you have the correct postage

When you ship your package through whatever shipping service you choose, it’s important to make sure that you have the correct postage paid to cover the cost of shipping. Contact the service you’re shipping with to find out all the details so that you know exactly how much you have to pay.

After all, it’s pretty frustrating to mail out a package, be eagerly anticipating the item getting to its destination, and then having it show up in your mail one day with an ‘insufficient postage’ notice (or something similar). You’ll most likely need to invest in a postal scale so that you know the exact weight of your package–something that’s really important for the shipping company to know so that they can assign correct postage.

4. Be sure to package items and print addresses properly

Whatever you’re shipping, it may be a good idea to get official shipping materials to package the item(s). Think bubble wrap envelopes or shipping boxes. These materials can be ordered online so, again, you don’t have to leave your home. After you insert the item(s) into the shipping package/container, make sure the whole thing is sealed and/or taped up well. You don’t want the package falling open and its contents spilling out en route!

Then it’s time to turn your attention to the ‘return + recipient’ addresses. Make sure that the two addresses are printed clearly, in large letters and in a color of ink or marker that’s not hard to read against the packaging. You don’t want any address mix-ups.

5. If returning an item, try to get a postage paid return label

Are you returning an item purchased online instead of giving a gift? Some companies offer postage paid return labels so that you can ship the item(s) back for free instead of going into a store. Definitely worth looking into!

6. Check all your options for shipping

Don’t settle on something just because it’s the most familiar name on the list of shipping options! Take some time to shop around and see which shipping company or service provides the best prices and perks for your package. Go with a shipping service that’s highly rated and reliable, so that your package has a much better chance of arriving at its destination, safe and sound.